Making a Difference

We are proud to have worked with a wealth of truly remarkable partners across some of the world's most advanced
industries. Since 2003 we have supplied and supported over 120 innovative projects worldwide, enabling us to develop a unique skill-set and an in-depth understanding of battery technology and more.

We have P.A.C.E

At REAPsystems we believe there is a better way, so we work with real P.A.C.E. - Proactive, Agile, Commitment, Excellence.

  • Proactive

We take pride in our drive & vision and were founded to accelerate innovation, bringing true reality to ground breaking research. Over a decade of practical experience enables us to help you get your project 'Right First Time'.

  • Agile

We react quickly, think outside the box and work to short lead times meaning we can deliver on time & on budget, reducing your risk while supplying the optimum, high performance solution.

  • Commitment

We're dedicated to building strong, long term relationships with our partners and focus on delivering real value for your
investment. We believe it's the best way to achieve shared success.

  • Excellence

Meticulous attention to the details that matter, continuous improvement, relentless reflection are just some examples from our quality management policy. We really mean this, delivering excellence to you and your customers.

Our Services

We design, build & manage innovative, bespoke energy storage and propulsion systems at our 'Centre of Excellence' in
Southampton. Our additional range of services include:

  • Total Project Management
  • Mechanical & Electronics Design and Implementation, Computer Hard- and Software
  • Soft & Firmware for Battery Management Systems, Research, Design and Consultancy
  • Battery Cell Characterisation & Testing, Research and Scientific Analysis of Cells
  • On-Site Integration and Installation, Calibration & Tuning
  • Preventative Maintenance via Remote Logging
  • Maintenance & On-Site Technical Support
  • Servicing and Repair Services

Project Management Services

We pride ourselves on our flexibility and agility and offer a range of project management approaches which can be tailored to your individual requirements:

  • Our existing product range may be sufficiently versatile to provide an instant solution.
  • We can provide the total customisation of firmware, software & hardware of our existing products to meet your needs.
  • We can design custom solutions based on our existing designs & technologies, to optimise the product for volume production or your specific requirements.

Please get in touch to discuss your specific project and requirements.


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